Brightfind Blog

Content You Love

Written by Lauren Janik | Jan 12, 2017 5:00:00 AM

We took a look at Brightfind’s highly viewed blogs, heavily attended events, and most downloaded resources, to compile a round-up of the topics that most interested you in 2016.  

Migrating from Ektron to Episerver

In 2016 you became curious about what the migration from Ektron to Episerver would look like for your organization. One of our most popular blogs was Considerations for Migrating from Ektron to Episerver CMS. Event registration numbers hit a new high for Brightfind when we teamed up with Episerver for the Webinar, From Ektron to Episerver: Your Migration Path.  Just a few months after that, we hired the one and only James Stout the leading expert in conversions from Ektron to Episerver.  We heard you cheering from afar.  Still debating the upgrade? Let us know. If you have not done so already, take an Epi tour.  

Google Analytics

When it comes to Google Analytics nobody likes to geek out more than Brightfind’s Digital Analyst, Justin Atkinson.  Then again, according to his blog views on the topic, he may have some competition. His popular blog Google Tag Manager - How Can I Track Digital Downloads? explains step-by-step how to track the frequency and capacity that  files are being downloaded by constituents on your website.  If you need an introduction to Google Tag Manager, don’t worry, Justin has you covered in his blog Google Tag Manager: What exactly is it? How do I use it? Although it was written in 2015, Am I using Classic Google Analytics or Universal? received quite a bit of traction in 2016.  Need additional analytics help? Reach out to Justin.

Website Redesign

When it comes to website design, you know Brightfind is a reliable source.  After-all, we have quite a bit of experience in that department. Brightfind’s most downloaded resource was, Incorporating Data into Your 
Website Redesign Process authored by Brightfind’s Vice President of Professional Services, Emily Witt.  Her popular blog The New 12 Steps of the Website Redesign Process provides additional information to helps organizations ensure their redesign is a successful one. You also tuned in to hear lessons learned from an association who recently went through the redesign process. If you missed it, watch the video Interview, AIIM Prioritizes Usability with a Redesign on Sitecore CMS.

Web Accessibility

Web accessibility was a big hit in 2016. Nina Amato, one of Brightfind’s usability experts, led a well-attended webinar entitled, Accessibility & 508 Compliance Explained. She demo-ed what people with visual and physical impairments actually see and hear while using the web, and suggested how attendees can update their websites to ensure it is accessible for all. Accessibility came into play again during Brightfind World Usability Day. Nina presented again, this time highlighting tools for testing to see if your site is accessible. Presenting with Nina was Vencer Cotton, Senior Director of Technology, Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind. Vencer, who is blind himself, discussed challenges he faces navigating websites. Check out the recap and view the presentations if you were unable to attend.

Want to ensure you aren’t missing what will soon be the best of 2017? Subscribe to the Brightfind blog today.