Brightfind Blog

How to Foster Creative Thinking in Your Organization

Written by Vince Tardy | Dec 14, 2015 5:00:00 AM

Welcome to BrightTakes, Brightfind's first video series!

In these videos, I'll cover different elements of creative design, along with answers to frequently asked client questions I receive as the Creative Director at Brightfind. If you have a burning question that you'd like me to discuss, leave it in the comments section. Enjoy! 



Hey everybody, my name is Vince Tardy. I am the Creative Director at Brightfind, a digital design and web development agency located in beautiful downtown Silver Spring, MD.

Throughout my career, I’ve had the opportunity to work in a number of different facets of the design industry from print design to web design and development, to teaching in a classroom setting. But these days, one of the things that I love doing the most is interacting with clients. And when I talk with clients, a question that comes up very often is, “How do I foster creative thinking within my own organization?” So with that in mind, I’d like to talk with you about a few different things you can do to start yourself down the path to creative thinking within your own organization.

Align Your Creative Efforts with Your Organizational Objectives

First of all, make sure that your creative efforts align with your organization objectives. Creativity doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Creativity needs a focus; it needs a goal. Also, by aligning with your organizational objectives, it will be much easier to get buy-in from leadership.

Use a Collaborative Approach to Management

Next, consider a collaborative approach versus of a top-down approach. By having a collaborative approach to management, you allow your team members to feel empowered enough to bring their creative ideas to the table. It gives them a safe space in which to do such things.

Lead by Asking Questions

Next, lead by asking questions. And make sure your questions are focused on outcomes instead of being focused on problems. For example, you should try these questions to spur creative thinking in your own organization. Ask:

  • What if?
  • What else?
  • Why not?

By those simple questions, you open the doors to creativity and you allow your team members to feel empowered enough to bring those creative ideas to the table. And also, when you’re giving your feedback, instead of saying “yes, but...” consider saying “yes, and...” and you see, you continue to draw out those ideas.

Provide Encouragement

And finally, although there are some members or your organization that feel more comfortable thinking in a creative sort of way, for some folks, it may be a little scary. For that reason alone, you need to provide encouragement. I mentioned earlier providing that safe space to be creative. And by providing that level of encouragement, your coworkers feel empowered enough to provide their creative feedback.

Those are just a few tips for getting started down the creative path in your own organization. I’d love to hear how you’ve implemented this in your own workplace. Connect with me on Twitter @Brightfind or on my personal Twitter account, @vincetardy. Thanks very much, and I hope to hear from you soon.