Brightfind Blog

How to Fuel SEO Using a CMS

Written by Christie Gunden | Mar 22, 2015 4:00:00 AM

Search engine optimization primarily depends on generating quality, relevant content. After the content is produced, the next important step is to appropriately format the URL structure, tagging and navigation menus. A good content management system (CMS) can help ensure these best practices, which is another reason to consider CMS capabilities when strategizing association website design. With an optimal, search-friendly solution, any organization can create a site that is both engaging and highly visible on the Internet. Consider the following elements when selecting a CMS to support SEO efforts:

URL structure states that a website's URLs should be "relevant, compelling and accurate." It should not contain illegible parameters, but rather should include strategic keywords that help guide human interaction. Because the URL structure is one of the most important on-page factors for SEO, it's important to consider how the CMS enables the creation of SEO-friendly URLS. If a CMS automatically generates the URL based on the navigation path, there might be an issue if an item appears in more than one category. A CMS should allow you to manually manage this customization.

Sometimes a CMS automatically produces multiple versions of the same page with a different URL, and this is something to be wary of. For example, something as small as adding or omitting a slash at the end of a URL will register the page in search engines as two separate pages and therefore duplicate content. Having a CMS that looks out for you in this way helps avoid penalization in search engine rankings.

Customized page titles, meta data, alt tags, and header tags
An optimal CMS should have fields in place for each page so that it's easy to fill out the title, meta description, alt tags and header tags.

Search Engine Watch (SEW) explained that engines see image alt tags that are links as a replacement for link text, so they affect the pages they are hosted on and the pages their links point to even more. Still, SEW noted that users should be able to auto-populate these fields based on established rules that can automate the process if needed.

A Hubspot report by Kirsten Knipp highlighted the importance of headers on an organization's website. Header 1 is the main text and bears much of the SEO importance, making it easier for users to search for specific content, while Header 2 includes secondary text and places less emphasis on specific SEO practices.

Knipp provided an example of how organizations can best use different headers to describe their offerings. For a gourmet breakfast menu, Header 1 would simply read "Gourmet Breakfast Menu," while Header 2 would include items such as eggs, breads, pastries, juices, tea and coffee.

Including images and tagging them appropriately can contribute to your website's overall SEO value. Knipp explained that visuals should not be overlooked because they also greatly influence on-page SEO results, making it important that a website includes alternate text describing the images. This not only helps users understand what the content represents, but it helps search engines understand the focus of the page itself.

Drop down navigation menus
Information architecture is a critical component of any organization's website. It helps users find what they are looking for with labels and proper navigation tools that can make or break a site. A website that is easy to use and aesthetically pleasing will put an organization in good standing with its particular audience.

Drop down navigation menus are crucial for establishing a successful information architecture. These internal link structures impact SEO performance. SEW explained that these features serve as votes of relevancy from each page of the site back to core pages, so search engines need to be able to index them. SEW advised ensuring that drop-down menus are built using CSS, as many search engines, even Google, can't process those built with JavaScript or Flash depending on how they are coded. Additionally, it's imperative to customize the actual link text in those drop down menus and make sure the text is not dependent on the title of the page it links to.

Deploying a best-of-breed, user-friendly solution, such as Ektron CMS, can empower any organization to ensure all pages of a site are optimized for search engines, driving organic traffic. Brightfind specializes in helping associations improve their web presence through a full range of services. Let us help you achieve success on the web.