Brightfind Blog

What is information architecture, and what does it mean for my association?

Written by Christie Gunden | Mar 22, 2015 4:00:00 AM

Information Architecture (IA) is the structure and categorization of content and navigational elements on a website. It involves organizing, labeling, and cataloging information to help end users find content quickly and easily.

A poor IA can be characterized by visitors having a hard time finding relevant content on a website. Searching endlessly for information leaves users feeling frustrated and unproductive, which is the exactly the negative user experience we help our customers to avoid on their websites.

Associations face a unique challenge in developing their websites' information architecture because each organization is responsible for presenting vast amounts of content to an incredibly diverse audience. Some associations may have hundreds of thousands of pieces of information, making it even more important that they have a solid IA to help their website visitors easily sift through and locate the right content. Not only that, but a successful IA can help associations prioritize which content should be most visible for each audience segment or persona.

Some organizations choose to display as many options as possible on the homepage, but this approach makes little sense when visitors are typically looking to accomplish a specific goal, like registering for an event or purchasing a book. Making it easy for members to find exactly what they are searching for is what an IA is all about.Frank Klassen, vice president of web technology for Brightfind, said one of the biggest challenges associations face in developing an information architecture is prioritizing their content.

"Fewer choices are better. The ultimate reason information architecture exists is to improve findability in both searching and browsing - two different kinds of information gathering experiences on the web," Klassen said.

Associations interested in learning more about how to implement a successful IA should contact us. We help our clients determine how to best prioritize their website content in an information architecture that reflects the organization's values and helps accomplish their business goals.